

Age: 20
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 117 lbs.
Known Relatives: - Ryan (Twin brother)
- Sheila Go (Mother)
- Drew Lipsky (Father)
- Mama Lipsky (Grandmother)
- Mego, Wego, Wego, Hego (Uncles)
- Eddie Lipsky (Half-uncle)
- Candice (Cousin)
Occupation(s): - Author

Key Points
Philosophical Works: - The Relativity of Right and Wrong, A Modern Take On Nihilism
Novels: - Beyond Good and Evil (In Progress)
- Designer Terrorism
Nonfiction Works: - Blue, A Biography of Dr. Drakken
Other Points of Note: - Sings the majority of the lyrics when Ryan's band plays 'She Is My Sin', by Nightwish.
- Her book 'The Relativity of Right and Wrong' is required course material for the Nihilism course in Middleton College.