Clara Turner (Born Clara Brooks)


Age: 22
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Known Relatives: - Isaac Turner (Spouse)
- Rebecca Brooks (Mother)
- Robert Brooks (Father)
- Cora Turner (Sister-in-law)
- Cara Turner (Mother-in-law)
- Robert Turner (Father-in-law)
Occupation(s): - Field Woman for Nekos for A Brighter World

Key Points
Neko Attributes: - Cat ears instead of human ears.
- Cat tail.
- Retractable cat claws instead of fingernails.
- Cat reflexes.
Nekos for A Brighter World: - A nonprofit organization run by Nekos to make Nekos more accepted and respected in the world.
- Field people are given (currently) $300 a month, and that is to buy gifts for random people, preferably humans.
- The job is essentially just to make friends and be nice to as many people as possible, to help them, and "make the world a brighter place"
Other Points of Note: - She prefers to be called "Charity"
- She often gives too much of herself to her job. Everyone always tells her to do some stuff for herself for once. She's even worked on her birthday and never even considered not doing so.
- Dyes her hair. It is naturally brown.