

Age: 40
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Known Relatives: - Lacia (Daughter)
- Miya (Daughter-in-law)
- Alicia (Adopted granddaughter)
- Illeana Kocanski (Sister-in-law)
Occupation(s): None.

Key Points
Neko Attributes: - Cat ears instead of human ears.
- Cat tail.
- Retractable cat claws instead of fingernails.
- Cat reflexes.
Other Points of Note: - Met Lacia's father in high school and got pregnant with Lacia at 17.
- Broke up with Lacia's father when Lacia was 17 and she was 34.
- She spent the next six years traveling the world before finally returning when Lacia was 23 and she was 40.
- Dyes her hair. It is naturally brown.