

Age: 20
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Known Relatives: - Alison (Twin sister)
- Sheila Go (Mother)
- Drew Lipsky (Father)
- Mama Lipsky (Grandmother)
- Mego, Wego, Wego, Hego (Uncles)
- Eddie Lipsky (Half-uncle)
- Candice (Cousin)
Occupation(s): - Guitarist and Singer
- Currently co-managing his band, Spectral Symphony

Key Points
Original Songs: - Are You Lucky Enough To Be Alone?
- Life Begins After Life
- Remember
- Chillingham Castle
Borrowed Songs: - Ghost Opera, by Kamelot
- The Haunting, by Kamelot
- Soul Society, by Kamelot
- Nothing Ever Dies, by Kamelot
- Forever, by Kamelot
- She Is My Sin, by Nightwish (With guest singer, Alison)
Other Points of Note: - Current girlfriend of one year and counting is Ember McLain, who is also the other co-manager, guitarist, and singer of Spectral Symphony