Samantha Swanson

"Sah-Man-Thah" "Swan-Son"

Age: 27
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 122 lbs.
Known Relatives: - N/A
Occupation(s): - High School English Teacher in Go City High

Key Points
Neko Attributes: - Cat ears instead of human ears.
- Cat tail.
- Retractable cat claws instead of fingernails.
- Cat reflexes.
Teaching: - Currently teaches Grades 9 through 12 of English and Writer's Craft classes.
Other Points of Note: - Is happy to be called Sam, Samantha, or Ms. Swanson.
- Taught Grade 12 English to Miya and Lacia in her first year of teaching.
- Was almost kept out of Teacher's College due to an incident when she was 17 in which she put three PETA members in a hospital. They were aggressively trying to keep her out of a KFC, and then trying to shove her around for ordering food anyway. She slashed all three of them across the face in one swipe and left without a word. The only thing that saved her was that the parking lot security footage proved that she was excessively provoked.
- Loves Shakespeare, and has memorized almost every one of his plays.
- Dyes her hair. It is naturally orange.